installutil service name

I have a windows service executable that I know is written in .NET which I need to install under a different service name to avoid a conflict. The install doesn't provide anyway to ...

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  • You cannot use Installutil.exe to deploy a Windows service that was created by using C++, ...
    Installutil.exe (Installer Tool) | Microsoft Docs
  • I have a windows service executable that I know is written in .NET which I need to install...
    Any way to override .NET Windows Service Name without recomp ...
  • I've created a Windows service in C#, installed it on a server and it is running fine....
    c# - How do I configure the name of a Windows service upon ...
  • I am trying to set the name of a Windows Service via an option to InstallUtil.exe, which t...
    Setting the name of a Windows Service with installutil.exe ...
  • Creating a Windows service in .NET could hardly be any easier. There's a template in V...
    Install .NET Windows Service with a Different Name | Damir&# ...
  • If you’re developing a Windows Service by using the .NET Framework, you can quickly instal...
    How to: Install and Uninstall Services | Microsoft Docs
  • Have you ever wanted to specify the Display Name and Service Name of a Windows Service whe...
    Using Parameters with InstallUtil | Diary of a .NET ...
  • I know I can install a windows service using InstallUtil.exe through command line like: In...
    Install a Windows Service using InstallUtil.exe
  • This example shows how to install and uninstall a .NET windows service. Install service us...
    Install Uninstall .NET Windows Service [C#]
  • It's not readily apparent how to install a Windows Service multiple times on a single ...
    Multiple Instance .NET Windows Service - CodeProject